Graduate School

Graduate School


영남대학교 대학원 건축학과
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영남대학교 건축학부는 1952년 3월에 개설된 청구대학 건축공학과와 1964년에 개설된 대구대학 건설공학과를 전신으로 하고 있으며, 1967년 12월에 두 대학이 통합되어 영남대학교 공과대학 건축공학과로 새로이 발족되었다. 대학원 건축학과는 1967년에 건축공학과 건축계획학전공과 건축구조공학 두 전공이 개설되어, 그 동안 석사학위 취득자 457명과 박사학위 취득자 71명을 배출하였다.

본 대학원 건축학과는 2001년 건축디자인대학원의 개설과 함께 석사학위과정의 건축계획학전공이 폐지되어, 2003년부터 석사학위과정은 건축공학전공(구조, 시공 및 재료, 환경 및 설비분야)의 단일전공으로 개편되었다. 2008년 3월부터 학과 명칭을 건축학과로 개칭하였고 2012년부터는 석박사사과정에서 건축학전공과 건축공학전공으로 정비하여 보다 심도 있는 교육과 연구를 통한 새로운 발전을 모색하고 있다.


The Department of Architecture at Yeungnam University expanded and established the Department of Architectural Engineering at Cheonggu University, which existed in March 1952, and the Department of Construction Engineering at Daegu University, which existed in 1964. In December 1967, the two universities were merged to form the Department of Architectural Engineering at Yeungnam University College of Engineering. launched. The Graduate School of Architecture began in 1967 with two majors: Architectural Engineering, Architectural Planning, and Architectural Structural Engineering, and has had 457 degree recipients and 71 doctoral degree recipients.

In 2001, the Department of Architecture of this university was affiliated with the Architectural Planning Major as a specific degree program along with the research department of the Graduate School of Architectural Design, and since 2003, the large-scale degree program has been a single major in Architectural Engineering (structure, structure and materials, environment, and special fields). reorganized. In March 2008, the name of the department was changed to the Department of Architecture, and since 2012, we have been making new progress in education and research, with the Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering majors in the doctoral program being considered top-tier.